Twitter’s new dashboard app for SMBs

Fishes are known to travel together in schools. They do so as a defense mechanism against predators or as a means to find a mate. Rarely do we see a fish making its way through the ocean unaccompanied. Schools of fish are the Twitter equivalent of celebrities or public figures, whereby lone guppies are SMBs struggling to make a splash in terms of their online presence.

Build an Online Community for your Business

The word ‘Community’ is derived from the Latin term communitas meaning ‘things shared by many or all’, which hints at our innate desire to connect with others. With the Internet being such a powerful medium, connecting people regardless of their locations has never been easier.

Infuse life into your old laptop

It can be tough to see your laptop die. While you likely shared many good moments with it, undoubtedly, there will come a time when it’s ready to be retired to the back of the closet or disposed of. If you are lucky enough to still have yours hanging around the house or office, then there’s no better time to dust it off.

IT Security Policies you need to implement

Most business owners have an employee handbook. But when it comes to the online security of their business, often times this portion is either not adequately addressed, or not addressed at all. However, with cyber crimes an ever increasing threat, and the fact that employee error is one of the most common causes of a security breach, it is incredibly vital that your staff is informed of your policies.

This app is slowing down your Android

Most of us know that apps can drain battery and slow down your phone. But what if there was a single app that was sucking 20% of your battery, and potentially slowing its speed by 15%. For Android phone users, this looks to be the case. And unfortunately for all those social medial lovers out there, the app responsible goes by the name of Facebook.

How to fight back against ‘rant’ sites

While ‘rant’ sites are not new, for many small and medium-sized business owners, the words found here from unsatisfied customer can sting. Of course the hurt from words pales in comparison to the damage done to your organization’s online reputation.

3 ways to improve your company’s website

How’s your website doing? For a lot of business owners, the answer is simply up and running. While having a website is a good start, it must also be appealing to visitors. A poorly designed website can drive away both potential and current customers who don’t want to be associated with a brand that doesn’t present itself well online.

Social Media in the Middle East

It’s possible you take your access to Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms for granted. Maybe you’ve never thought about what a world without news feeds and constant updates and selfies from your friends and acquaintances is like. While there are moments when we’re all fed up of so-and-so’s latest attention-seeking Facebook status or their endless stream of glamorous vacation photos, the stark reality is, if our social media platforms were suddenly taken away from us, many of us would be at a loss.