Benefits of virtualizing Windows on your Mac

A common reason for running the Windows operating system (OS) on a Mac computer is to bypass compatibility issues. Virtualization is the only way to efficiently install OS-specific software on any machine, so let’s go over some of the ways this solution creates synergy between the two platforms.

Spyware has been infecting Macs for years

While Macs have a reputation for being more secure than Windows PCs, they are far from immune. Over the past decade, a piece of malware designed to spy on its victims’ computers has remained unnoticed until quite recently. What’s worse is that security experts are still unsure about how the malware gets into Mac computers.

Android features you won’t find in iOS 11

Apple’s iOS 11 will be released later this year, but many Android users might not willingly trade in their device for an iPhone. Even with its key productivity features like Files, drag-and-drop functionality, a more enterprise-friendly user interface, and sleek new design changes, the latest version of Apple’s mobile operating system is missing a few important tools that many Android users can’t live without.

Apple iOS 11: Focus on enterprise users

The iPad was originally created for individual consumers even though it was later adopted as a viable productivity tool. After several functionality and style changes, Apple has finally released an iPad that could rival the PC: the iPad Pro. The latest update in Apple’s lineup of tablet computers is a vast departure from previous iPad devices, and with the recently announced changes in the upcoming iOS 11, the company looks poised to shift its focus from individual to enterprise users.

Mac HandBreak downloads infected by Trojan

macOS version of HandBrake, an open-source video transcoding software that converts multimedia files into various formats, was recently infected with a Trojan. According to HandBreak’s announcement, if you downloaded the app between May 2 (14:30 UTC) and May 6 (11:00 UTC), there’s a 50% chance that your system got infected.